Posted March 27, 2016 at 11:33 pm

hey guys, quick update on Things 

those of you following me on twitter would have heard me bemoaning, and wailing, and fighting, and hollering about how my huion monitor unexpectedly lost most of its functionality a couple of days ago. it's my main drawing tablet. so. it's important that i have it. 

after wrestling with drivers for a while ive gotten my old tablet working on this computer. it isn't a monitor, it's about five years old, and it's held together with tape: duct (2 different kinds) masking, and electrical. the pen is also held together with tape. after years of heavy use and daily travel to and from college back when i was in college, it works, but not wonderfully

the monitor is still under warranty, so hopefully I'll be able to get all this resolved.

I don't expect page delays because of this. this is obvious from the tone of these pages but we're in a key part here. I'm not stopping unless everything breaks.

I'll keep you guys posted. If you've got it to spare and you want to help support me, here's my patreon. I wouldn't ask in this manner unless I felt i had to. i feel i kind of have to. just in case everything DOES, in fact, break.

thanks for reading, as always <3

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